Lower Somerset EMS is proud to announce that we have been awarded over $400,000 from the Covid-19 CARES grant through the State of Maryland in cooperation with the Somerset County Health Department.
Because of this gracious award Lower Somerset has ordered a 2021 Ford F-550 chassis with liquid spring suspension, an HG Inelliplex electrical system, a Cool Tech 100,000 BTU condenser, and a 360 degree camera system to name a few of the features. This new unit will also come with a Stryker Power Load and Power Stretcher. This unit is also unique because it will be equipped with decontamination capabilities built into the unit. This new unit will be almost an identical twin of our ambulance 801. The anticipated arrival of this new unit is July 2021
Lower Somerset has also been approved to purchase two Stryker Power Loads for our other units in our fleet as well as an additional power stretcher. Three LUCAS devices, which are devises used to assist clinicians with compressions on patients that are in cardiac arrest, were also purchased through this grant and are expected to arrive in January 2021. |