Lower Somerset EMS Names 2024/2025 Officers.
By Captain Matt Tomlins
June 5, 2024

Lower Somerset EMS has held its annual election of both Operational and Administrative Officers for the 2024/2025 term. The following are the results:

Operational Officers:

Captain: Matt Tomlins
First Lieutenant: Jordon McCready
Second Lieutenant: Renee Drewer
Chief Engineer: Ray Joyner
Assist Chief Engineer: Troy Whidbee
Communications: Doug Curtis Jr.
Training Officer: Vacant
Chaplain: Dean Goldsborough

Administrative Officers:

President: George Nelson
Vice President: Dennis Piskor
Treasurer: Scott Ward
Secretary: Laura Bones
Trustee: Robert Hunt
Trustee: Christina Carlson
Trustee: Doug Curtis
Trustee: Ronald Hinman
Trustee: Troy Whidbee